Special Cases

  • China Pharmaceutical University

    Categories: Special Cases    Tags:

    1、Customer Profile China Pharmaceutical University is a ‘211 Project’ directly under the Ministry of Education of China and a national ‘Double First-Class’ construction colleges and universities with a long history and a high reputation in the pharmaceutical industry. It is in Nanjing, the ancient capital of China. It is the first pharmaceutical university founded by the state in the history of China. For more than 80 years, the school has adhered to the spirit of the school motto of ‘Refining…

  • Jiangnan University

    Categories: Special Cases    Tags: , , ,

    1、Customer Profile Jiangnan University is directly under the Ministry of Education of China and the national ‘211 Project’ key construction colleges and universities. It is a national ‘Double First-Class’ first-class discipline construction university. It is in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, a famous Jiangnan City on the Bank of Taihu Lake. While running the school for more than a century, the school has adhered to the motto of ‘Diligent in Learning and Committed to Doing till You are a Perfect Being’….

  • Nanjing Tech University

    Categories: Special Cases    Tags:

    1、Customer Profile     Nanjing Tech University has a history of one hundred years. It is one of the first batch of 14 colleges and universities selected into the national ‘Innovation Capability Improvement Plan for Colleges and Universities’ (2011 Plan). It is a key support colleges and universities for the construction of high-level colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province, a key construction colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province, a comprehensive reform pilot colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province, a talent…

  • Hohai University

    Categories: Special Cases   

    1、Customer Profile Hohai University is a state key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China of China of China with a history of more than 100 years. water conservancy as its feature, engineering as its main subject, and multi-disciplinary coordinated development. It is a university that on the State “211 Project” key construction, the national advantageous discipline innovation platform construction, the first-class discipline construction, and the establishment of a graduate school. Centering on the national…